Dy-K mixture lab

PhD student and postdoc positions available!!!

Our main goal is to create novel types of superfluids in a mixture of two fermionic species. According to theoretical predictions, exotic regimes of superfluidity are strongly favored if mass imbalance of the constituents is present. We have identified a mixture of Dy-161 and K-40 as a very promising candidate and we have set up a new two-species apparatus. Experiments on evaporative cooling and on the search for Feshbach resonances are in progress.

The team in the lab (17 May 2017): Emil Kirilov, Rudi Grimm, Vincent Corre, Slava Tzanova, Cornee Ravensbergen, Elisa Soava, Marian Kreyer

Our work is funded by  the Austrian Science Fund FWF within the doctoral program ALM.


Dipole-Mode Spectrum and Hydrodynamic Crossover in a Resonantly Interacting
Two-Species Fermion Mixture
Z.-X. Ye, A. Canali, C.-K. Wong, M. Kreyer, E. Kirilov, R. Grimm

Optically trapped Feshbach molecules of fermionic Dy-161 and K-40
E. Soave, A. Canali, Z.-X. Ye, M. Kreyer, E. Kirilov, R. Grimm
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 033117 (2023); arXiv:2304.07921

Observation of low-field Feshbach resonances between Dy-161 and K-40
Zhu-Xiong Ye, A. Canali, E. Soave, M. Kreyer, Y. Yudkin, C. Ravensbergen, E. Kirilov, R. Grimm
Phys. Rev. A 106, 043314 (2022); arXiv:2207.03407

Low-field Feshbach resonances and three-body losses in a fermionic quantum gas of Dy-161
E. Soave, V. Corre, C. Ravensbergen, J. H. Han, M. Kreyer, E. Kirilov, R. Grimm
Ukr. J. Phys. 67, 334 (2022); arXiv:2205.01943

Measurement of the dynamic polarizability of Dy atoms near the 626-nm intercombination line
M. Kreyer, J. H. Han, C. Ravensbergen, V. Corre, E. Soave, E. Kirilov, R. Grimm
Phys. Rev. A 104, 033106 (2021); arXiv:2103.11867

Resonantly Interacting Fermi-Fermi Mixture of Dy-161 and K-40
C. Ravensbergen, V. Corre, E. Soave, M. Kreyer, B. Huang (黄博), E. Kirilov, R. Grimm
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 203402 (2020); arXiv:1909.03424

Production of a Degenerate Fermi-Fermi Mixture of Dysprosium and Potassium Atoms
C. Ravensbergen, V. Corre, E. Soave, M. Kreyer, E. Kirilov, R. Grimm
Phys. Rev. A 98, 063624 (2018); arXiv:1810.13437

Accurate Determination of the Dynamic Polarizability of Dysprosium
C. Ravensbergen, V. Corre, E. Soave, M. Kreyer, S. Tzanova, E. Kirilov, R. Grimm
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 223001 (2018); arXiv:1801.05658