Dipole-Mode Spectrum and Hydrodynamic Crossover in a Resonantly Interacting
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Z.-X. Ye, A. Canali, C.-K. Wong, M. Kreyer, E. Kirilov, R. Grimm
Comprehensive characterization of an apparatus for cold electromagnetic dysprosium dipoles
G. Anich, N. Höllrigl, M. Kreyer, R. Grimm, E. Kirilov
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Mediated interactions between Fermi polarons and the role of impurity quantum statistics
C. Baroni, B. Huang (黄博), I. Fritsche, E. Dobler, G. Anich, E. Kirilov, R. Grimm, M. A. Bastarrachea-Magnani, P. Massignan, G. Bruun
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Fermionic quantum mixtures with tunable interactions
in Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi”, Course CCXI – Quantum Mixtures with Ultracold Atoms, Varenna, Italy, 18-23 July 2022
R. Grimm and C. Baroni
Optically trapped Feshbach molecules of fermionic Dy-161 and K-40
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Observation of low-field Feshbach resonances between Dy-161 and K-40
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Low-field Feshbach resonances and three-body losses in a fermionic quantum gas of Dy-161
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Measurement of the dynamic polarizability of Dy atoms near the 626-nm intercombination line
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Stability and breakdown of Fermi polarons in a strongly interacting Fermi-Bose mixture
I. Fritsche, C. Baroni, E. Dobler, E. Kirilov, B. Huang (黄博), R. Grimm, G. Bruun, P. Massignan
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Beyond-mean-field description of a trapped unitary Fermi gas with mass and population imbalance
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BEC immersed in a Fermi sea: Theory of static and dynamic behavior across phase separation
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Resonantly Interacting Fermi-Fermi Mixture of Dy-161 and K-40
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Breathing Mode of a Bose-Einstein Condensate Repulsively Interacting with a Fermionic Reservoir
B. Huang (黄博), I. Fritsche, R. S. Lous, C. Baroni, J. T. M. Walraven, E. Kirilov, R. Grimm
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Efimov States in an Ultracold Gas: How it Happened in the Laboratory
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Production of a Degenerate Fermi-Fermi Mixture of Dysprosium and Potassium Atoms
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Probing the Interface of a Phase-Separated State in a Repulsive Bose-Fermi Mixture
R. S. Lous, I. Fritsche, M. Jag, F. Lehmann, E. Kirilov, B. Huang (黄博), R. Grimm
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Accurate Determination of the Dynamic Polarizability of Dysprosium
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Quantum Engineering of a Low-Entropy Gas of Heteronuclear Bosonic Molecules in an Optical Lattice
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Lifetime of Feshbach dimers in a Fermi-Fermi mixture of Li-6 and K-40
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Ultrafast many-body interferometry of impurities coupled to a Fermi sea
M. Cetina, M. Jag, R. S. Lous, I. Fritsche, J. T. M. Walraven, R. Grimm, J. Levinsen, M. M. Parish, R. Schmidt, M. Knap, E. Demler
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Decoherence of Impurities in a Fermi Sea of Ultracold Atoms
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Finite-temperature effects on a triatomic Efimov resonance in ultracold cesium
B. Huang (黄博), L. A. Sidorenkov, R. Grimm
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Anisotropic Relaxation Dynamics in a Dipolar Fermi Gas Driven Out of Equilibrium
K. Aikawa, A. Frisch, M. Mark, S. Baier, R. Grimm, J. L. Bohn, D. S. Jin, G. Bruun, F. Ferlaino
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Ultracold Dense Samples of Dipolar RbCs Molecules in the Rovibrational and Hyperfine Ground State
T. Takekoshi, L. Reichsöllner, A. Schindewolf, J. M. Hutson, C. R. Le Sueur, O. Dulieu, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm, H.-C. Nägerl
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Three-body parameter for Efimov states in Li-6
B. Huang (黄博), K. M. O’Hara, R. Grimm, J. M. Hutson, D. S. Petrov
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Resonant atom-dimer collisions in cesium: Testing universality at positive scattering lengths
A. Zenesini, B. Huang, M. Berninger, H.-C. Nägerl, F. Ferlaino, R. Grimm
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Observation of the Second Triatomic Resonance in Efimov’s Scenario
B. Huang (黄博), L. A. Sidorenkov, R. Grimm, and J. M. Hutson
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Observation of a Strong Atom-Dimer Attraction in a Mass-Imbalanced Fermi-Fermi Mixture
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Reaching Fermi Degeneracy via Universal Dipolar Scattering
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